Vim's Blog

A compendium of tales of the weird but familiar!

Leopards can change their spots…

Well, recently I was looking at the previous theme of my blog, and while fun to look at I felt the theme did not lend itself to presenting my stories… thus the new look… let me know what you think.

The Plantation House…

In an old spot in Virginia, sits an abandoned Plantation House, there are so few like it, but this one is special… and it’s about to be torn down.

Josephine’s World

What has Josephine so nervous? Find out in my latest story.

New Carnival story!

Read Meyer the Escape Artist in the Life’s Carnival section!


The Memorial at 5th and 35th

When it rains it pours I guess…

Here is my latest story, The Memorial at 5th and 35th.

What is the memorial? And why can’t a New York Times reporter find it? Find out!

We apologize for the inconvenience…

It has been a long time since I have posted anything… and despite a somewhat serious case of writer’s block I was writing.

And with it I’m making something new for this still fledgling blog… Non-Fiction.

And to debut the section I have decided to share memories of my time in Iraq.

My first story for the Film section!

Read What The Artist Means To Mean in the finally up and running (very slowly albeit) film section!


Read the latest episode in the Life’s Carnival series, Strongman.

Double Feature!

Two stories for you Dear Readers!

Old Clown, the next part in the Life’s Carnival Series


You and I Aren’t So Different, another story of thrilling macabre.



Part 2 of the Life’s Carnival series. Enjoy and Excelsior!

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